On-Demand, Instant Access Quiting Courses From Carolina Oneto

Design unique, beautiful quilts with these amazing improvisational and colorful quilting techniques. These quilting courses are great for confident beginners and for advanced quilters that want to add new techniques to their skill set.

Our Latest On-Demand Quilting Courses

BEFRIENDINGBefriending colors

“Befriending Colors. VIDEO – English”


“Beginning to Improvise. VIDEO – English”

Curves and transparenciesCurves and transparencies

“Curves and Transparencies. VIDEO – English”


“Join blocks already Quilted. VIDEO – English”

OrganicshapesOrganic shapes

“Organic Shapes – how to sew round shapes. VIDEO – English”

Color valueOn demand class, playing with color value

“Playing with Color Value. VIDEO – English”

ColorforquiltersBefriending colors

Color for Quilters – CLASS SERIES


Creative and colorful improv piecing


Improv Quilting – CLASS SERIES



“Straightforward to follow and supportive. Satisfying and beautiful piecing is made achievable even for those who may never have made a quilt before.”Polly, Student in “Curves and Transparencies”

“Carolina’s quiet voice and agile hands will guide you in a clear and concise explanation for sewing round shapes. Very pleasant!”Giovanna, Student in “Organic Shapes”

“I really enjoyed this class. The presentation was very interesting, organized and loaded with helpful information and examples. Carolina explains the chromatic circle (color wheel) in a very basic and easy to understand way. She explains hue, value, tints and shades, saturation and the basics of building a color palette so that those of us without formal art training can finally understand the mystery of color! Thank you!”Gigi, Student in “Befriending Colors”

““In this class Carolina shows different techniques to improvise and create your very own quilt and you also learn things about colors. I went with the method of the soft curves and it was so much fun! Cutting without measuring and without a ruler was really liberating. Everything is well explained and the class is divided into different parts, which makes it easier when you want to rewatch a special sequence. I will definitely try at least one other method of this improvisation class! Thanks Carolina for this great class and your inspirations!”  – Petra, Student in “Beginning To Improvise”

About Your Instructor

Carolina’s quilts have been featured at many international quilting festivals, including Quilt Week, Quiltcon, Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, European Carrefour do Patchwork, Fiberart International, Festival do Patchwork Gramado and Floripa Quilt Festival (both in Brazil. 

These on-demand quilt courses were created for those who want to learn at their own pace and time. They are available forever and you can access them whenever you want. These quilt courses are unique to students because they teach techniques that are new, exciting, and refreshing and are very easy to learn. Improvisation, color theory, and sewing curves are some of the main subjects covered in these courses that will give you the ability to create your own quilts. 

Caro oneto