Modern Quilting Blog

Repetition is the use of the same shapes, colors, or patterns over and over again in your quilt. It’s a key design element that can make your quilts more interesting and unified.

When you repeat elements in your quilt, you create a sense of harmony and balance. It’s like a visual rhythm that guides the viewer’s eye around your design. Repetition can also help you emphasize certain parts of your quilt or create a specific mood.

In this blog, we’ll learn how to use repetition in quilting. We’ll look at different ways to repeat elements and explore how repetition can work with other design principles to create stunning quilts.

What Is Repetition in Quilting?

Repetition in quilting means using the same design element multiple times. This element could be a shape, a color, a line, or even a texture. When you repeat elements, you create consistency and flow in your quilt. This makes your design feel more intentional and harmonious.

Repeating Shapes for Structure and Flow

Imagine a quilt with a line of the same squares. Seeing that same square again and again makes a pattern and leads your eye across the quilt. Now, think about those squares being different colors. The squares are still the same, but the different colors make it more interesting to look at.

Creating Unity with Repetition

Repetition helps you create a unified design. It connects the different parts and makes them fit together. This is important when your quilt has lots of different pieces or fabrics. Using the same things again helps make it look organized and complete.

Building Visual Rhythm

Repetition also makes your quilt have a rhythm. Like a song has a beat, your quilt can have a rhythm by using the same things over and over. This rhythm can be slow and peaceful, or it can be fast and exciting, depending on how you use repetition.

Emphasizing Key Elements

Finally, repetition can emphasize specific elements in your quilt. If you use a shape or color many times, it will grab your attention. This is a great way to make a certain part of your quilt the star of the show or to create a special feeling.

Repetition of Shapes in Quilting

Simple Shapes Make Neat Quilts

Squares, triangles, and circles are shapes we see all the time. These shapes are the building blocks for intricate designs and patterns that enhance the beauty and functionality of quilts. Think of a checkerboard – it uses the same square over and over. But you can do more than that.

Using triangles many times can make lines in your quilt, and circles can make your quilt look soft. Try using different sizes of these shapes and putting them in different spots to make your quilt fun to look at.

Shapes from Nature Make Quilts Look Lively

Think about shapes you see in nature, like leaves, flowers, and seashells. Using these shapes over and over in your quilt can make it look like it’s moving. A quilt with lots of leaves might look gentle and flowy because of the curvy lines of the leaves. You can use these shapes to make your quilt feel calm or to make it look playful.

Empty Space Makes Cool Shapes Too!

Empty space is the space around the shapes in your quilt. Using this empty space in the same way over and over can make shapes too. This design principle is akin to the art of carving, where what is removed shapes the outcome as much as what remains. 

Think of a quilt densely packed with circles. The spaces between the circles make a different shape, maybe a diamond. This is a classic example of how empty space, when repeated with intention, can turn into a shape of its own. These ‘invisible’ shapes can provide balance, contrast, and a sense of harmony within the quilt’s design, turning what could have been overlooked voids into powerful elements that shape the viewer’s experience.

Make Your Quilt Pop with Color and Pattern

Colors and patterns make your quilt special. Using the same colors and patterns in different parts of your quilt makes it feel like everything belongs together.

Colors can make you feel different things. Using the same color over and over in your quilt can invoke strong feelings. For instance, a quilt with lots of reds and oranges might feel warm and happy, like sunshine. On the other hand, a quilt with lots of blues and greens might feel cool and calm, like the ocean.

Repeat Patterns to Make it Fun

Patterns are like little drawings inside your quilt. They can be stripes, dots, flowers, or anything you can think of. Try using the same pattern in different sizes. You can also use the same pattern in different colors.

Create Rhythm with Repetition

You can use the same shapes, colors, or patterns over and over to make different kinds of rhythms. Try putting the same shape, like a square, in a line across your quilt to create a steady rhythm. Or, try putting two different shapes next to each other, like a square and then a triangle, then a square, then a triangle. 

You can also use repetition to make a rhythm that goes faster or slower. Try putting a shape over and over, but make each one a little bigger or smaller. This makes your eye move faster or slower.

Guide the Eye with Movement

Repetition not only creates rhythm but also guides your eye around the quilt. It’s like creating a path for your eye to follow. This helps the viewer appreciate all the different parts of your design.

Try repeating a shape or color in a diagonal line across your quilt. This leads your eye from one corner to the other, creating a sense of dynamic movement. You can also use repetition to create a circular movement, drawing your eye around the center of the quilt.

How to Balance Repetition and Variation in Quilting

To keep your quilt exciting, try changing things up. You can use the same shape over and over, but make some bigger and some smaller. Or you can use the same color, but in different shades, like light blue and dark blue. You can even flip your shapes around or turn them upside down.

Even though it’s good to change things up, you still want your quilt to feel like one whole thing. Repetition helps you do this. It’s like the glue that holds all the different parts of your quilt together.

Think of a quilt with lots of different colors and shapes. It might look confusing at first. But if you repeat one or two of those colors or shapes, it starts to feel more organized.

Finding the right balance between repetition and change takes practice, but the more you play with it, the better you’ll get better.

Join My Online Quilting Class!

Wow, we’ve learned so much about repetition in quilting. Now you know how to use it to make your quilts look amazing.

Remember, when you use the same shapes, colors, and patterns over and over, your quilts will look complete and balanced.

Don’t forget to have fun and try new things. Change the size and color of your shapes. Make different patterns with your colors. There are so many things you can do.

The best part is making quilts that make you happy. Use repetition to make quilts that you love!

Want to learn more? Come join my online classes! We’ll have a great time making quilts together.