In this On demand class, you will learn:
1.- Four new improvisational piecing techniques (triangles, crosses, 1/4 circle and freestyle log cabin)
2.- I will help you to choose a beautiful color palette, that works perfect for this project
3.- How to piece the quilt top in an organic way.
4.- How to quilt spirals with your sewing machine
5.- How to add some colorful hand stitches to create texture in your quilt.
6.- You will receive access to a Facebook group where you can share your progress, ask questions and share your creation.
Duration: 80 minutes
Once the payment has been made and confirmed, you will receive a link where you can watch the course, at your own pace and time and as many times as you want.
The total or partial copying and reproduction of this video is prohibited. Your purchase authorizes its reproduction for personal use. © 2020 Carolina Oneto Quilts All rights reserved.
Willie Beaudet (verified owner) –
The minute I saw this quilt I knew I would have to make it. It was colorful and the quilting looked so fun. I wishI had taken more photos to show you how easy this was. I really enjoyed the freedom of cutting and sewing the blocks with no real pattern. I was really excited to learn how to sew triangles and quarter circle blocks without templates. It was so freeing to me.
Great class, easy to follow, I loved the fact that it was broken down into a video for each block/method. Made it easy to repeatedly watch the lesson.